
about Us


Our clients work with one partner to accomplish all logistical needs.

C&S Logistics was established in 1996.  We coordinate international, cross border and domestic Canada shipments for our clients with products ranging from Medical Supplies, Metal Grating, Plastic Articles, Lubricants, Electrical Supplies.

We are management based as opposed to asset based and have established, respected relationships with a network of suppliers which span the globe.  Low operational costs mean our clients receive low operational costs to realize significant cost efficiencies.

We minimize your transportation expenditure, increase profit margins and enhance customer satisfaction.

Our core competency is logistics—the successful and seamless execution of all functions existing between the production of a product and the consumption of that product. Logistics is the critical link between you and your customers.

C&S applies our skill set to your company’s distribution and transportation objectives. It is our mandate to provide you with logistics solutions tailored to your individual needs. We ensure proactive, responsible, timely and cost-efficient service for you, your customer base and their customer base.

 C&S Logistics Solutions Ltd. gives your company a major competitive edge.


Our mission

Apply the best technology, people and market intelligence to create superior logistics solutions for our customers’ logistics requirements and earn the ultimate in customer satisfaction.


3 Simple Steps Take You In the Right Direction


It’s simple. C&S Logistics Solutions Ltd. would like to offer your company a FREE discovery and audit of your transportation costs.


We begin by reviewing invoices, rates and all other services involved with transportation.


We propose how C&S Logistics Solutions Ltd. can procure and manage the best solution to your company’s transportation requirements.

Why Use an Outsource Solution?


Innovative, achievement-oriented companies focus on what they do best – “core business”. They understand the logistics process is critical to success and seek logistics solutions to support and enhance the value of their core business. Outsourcing the logistics function to C&S – for whom logistics is “core business” – ensures such success.

The logistics process is sensitive to complex legislative, commercial, economical and technological forces. Expertise in logistical competency never rests and requires totally dedicated resources in order to excel. Tomorrow’s challenges won’t be satisfied with yesterday’s solutions.

By integrating C&S expertise into their business operations, our clients realize significant benefits:-

  • Improved cost-efficiencies from an integral link in the supply chain.
  • Optimizing an integral link in the supply chain
  • Increased concentration of time, talent and labour to core business
  • Enjoy technology without investment, labour without payroll and control without effort
  • Knowledge that all supply chain skill sets exist within C&S continuous improvement and enhancement of logistical resources without investment -anticipation of future issues